Boyer’s Crate Factory in Biglerville
In 1936, Charles Boyer and his brother, Elton, started a crate factory on North Main Street in Biglerville. After a year, they founded Guernsey Crate Factory (Charles G. Boyer Box Factory), which made crates and pallets. At one time, the building
Mt Olivet UB Church, The First 100 Years
While working in the Biglerville Historical an Preservation archives we discovered that Mt. Olivet United Brethren Church in Guernsey is celebrating their 130th Anniversary this year. We thought we’d honor that with this blog post. The church was established when a
Annual Open House and Members’ Meeting
Come enjoy our Biglerville Historical and Preservation Society Public Annual Open House from 11-3 and BHPS Membership Annual Meeting at 3! We'll have food, tours, live music from Tom Jolin, and kids' activities all featuring our community treasure-the National Apple Museum.
Hamlet History, Part 4 (Arendtsville, Aspers, Beecherstown, Bendersville, Brysonia, Butler Township)
Arendtsville Settled in 1810 Originally called John's Pursuit Incorporated in 1896 Named for early settler, John Arendt Post office established 9/16/1841 On November 22, 1918, Arendtsville resident, Ira E. Lady, died of wounds sustained in World War I. The Biglerville American Legion is named in his
Roy Mickley and the Early Fruit Industry by Sam Walmer
Roy Mickley lives in the house he built with his son, nine miles west of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. His wife died in 1983, after they had been married for 67 years, had seven children, and numerous grand-and great-grandchildren. At 98 Roy
Hamlet History Night
Join us for a lively discussion of the history of Arendtsville, Beecherstown, and Bendersville with special speakers, Ann Griffith and Sandy Kime. Bring your questions and memories of these great fruit-belt hamlets. See you there! FREE ADMISSION
Hamlet Histories Part 1
Peach Glen Unincorporated community on the border of Adams and Cumberland Counties In 1917 a canning plant was built by W. S. Adams 1922 - the plant was taken over by United Grocery Co. of Harrisburg 1926 - M.E. Knouse became manager and long